
Body Brush Large | Stimulating Body Brush


Take your bodycare routine to the next level with the Body Brush, expertly designed to stimulate and massage your body while showering or bathing. It stimulates blood circulation and relieves tension on the skin. Make it an essential part of your morning ritual, waking your body with gentle, circular massage movements and setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

• increases blood circulation
• relieves tension
• stimulates the body meridians
Face your body is Bodyologist's slogan. We all know that we should take good care of our face with a skincare routine, but unfortunately we forget about our body. Bodyologist their mission is to also provide the skin of our body with the best and most powerful ingredients. All their bodycare products are also balanced to respect the pH of your body.
all skin types
• Massage the desired body areas with the Body Brush in circular movements.
• Always use on wet skin - and preferably with Bodyologist Cream Cleanser to prevent friction.
• Body Brush is a hygienic tool made from one practical piece.
• Clean the Body Brush with a mild soap or wash it in the washing machine (use a washing bag) at a maximum of 60° C.
Belgien und die Niederlande
 Kostenlose Lieferung ab einem Bestellwert von 39 €
 Standardlieferung kostet 3,99 €

Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spanien, Österreich und Dänemark
 Kostenlose Lieferung ab einem Bestellwert von 150 €
 Standardlieferung kostet 10 €

Gratis proben bei jeder Bestellung
ZERO Plastik, recycelte Verpackung

30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht für ungeöffnete Verpackungen.

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